Using an open system where everyone was invited to propose an idea for a symposium, we have now settled on the following symposium topics (see below). Participants who submit an abstract for an oral presentation are urged to assign their submission to a particular symposium. Symposium organizers will decide which submissions will be included as oral presentations and which will be poster presentations or should be assigned to an “open category” topic.

Each symposium has a two hour time slot. We suggest the following format: three invited speakers give 20 minute talks in the first hour. Four contributed speakers give 15-minute talks in the second hour. The time slots for all talks includes question time, so moderators will want to limit the invited to 15 minutes and the contributed to 10 minutes, leaving 5 minutes in each case for questions and AV switch-over for the next presenter.

AsiaEvo Home Page Forums Proposals for Symposia

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